Healing the Placenta Trauma
The placenta trauma occurs by abruptly disconnecting the umbilical cord after birth. During pregnancy, the placenta is the most important organ for survival as part of the organism of the child. It provides for nutrition and disposal of waste immediately after innidation. Cutting the cord after birth interrupts the contact with this organ and is experienced like an amputation.
This trauma is hidden behind the often dramatic events of birth and the phase after birth. This is why it is hardly recognised. Yet it is the root of different disorders, e.g. fears of loss and existence, eating disorders, poverty consciousness and self esteem problems.
At the seminar, the physiological and emotional events of traumatisation can be relived and integrated. The special emotional dynamics in the umbilical cord as connection between maternal and fetal organism will also be explored.
Beim Seminar “Heilung des Plazenta-Traumas” werden die physiologischen und emotionalen Vorgänge der Traumatisierung erlebbar gemacht und integriert. Es wird auch die spezielle emotionale Dynamik der Nabelschnur als Verbindung zwischen mütterlichem und kindlichem Organismus erforscht.
November 12 and 13, 2016, start: saturday 9:00, end: sunday ca. 17:00
Center Cervantes, Cervantesgasse 5/5, 1140 Wien
Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann
Tel: +43 – 1 – 3692363
+43 664 3123632
Email: Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann